Single & Multi Engine

Time to solo: about 12 hours Instruction $75 hourly.

Rusty Pilot

Necessary hours vary depending upon degree of rust.

Custom Tours

San Francisco Bay Area $250 hourly 3 passengers max.

Mike Bonner in Germany



I started flying as a kid, and got my first license while a freshman at UC Santa Cruz. I finished my degree and continued comprehensive training. Instrument, Commercial, Multi-Engine and CFI are my current ratings. San Carlos Airport is where my Cherokee is hangared, but I also fly out of Livermore as an instructor for ATP. I have the knowledge, experience and desire to deliver results that will help you succeed.

Pictures · Videos

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Over the Bay Area on a clear day

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Fly a Piper Aircraft

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Over Banning Pass in a DC-3

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And no one got hurt.

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Easier to fly than drive.

Student Pilot First Solo

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Pair of Biplanes

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SFO Aeronautical Map


Student pilots must be 17 years old, have a third-class medical certificate, have 40 hours minimum flying time, and pass the FAA written test and checkride to obtain a Private Pilot License.

Mike in the Cherokee

